- update blog with activitivies done. Quite a few: Morning exercise at Taman Tasik Cyberjaya, Jasmin's Sport Day, training at Nota Asia, shocking discovery about my daughter (Jasmin), Kasyif's 1st steps, update of my petunia etc.
- plan for Kasyif's birthday
- plan for the weekends in December (where 3 Fridays are a holiday!)
- survey accomodation in Cameron Highlands
I'll bring along my work in progress but i doubt if it will ever be touched. I want to finish it before deadline because we might be going to Johor Bahru following hubby (seminar trip) early December and stay at Pulai Spring Resort. Which i look forward to but the plan is still uncertain since no exact date has been agreed yet between MIMOS and UTM. MIGHT, so it's a 50-50 situation but i really wish we can go as a family trip (hopefully the work is successfully completed by then so i will enjoy the trip).... Urgh! My time is up!.....