Friday, November 13, 2009


So many things to write about but i'm so caught up with work that i could not find the suitable time to write. I have an assignment to complete and i want to do it the best that i can. Which means thorough analysis is to be done. At the same time, I also have personal matters to think about and document in this blog:
  1. update blog with activitivies done. Quite a few: Morning exercise at Taman Tasik Cyberjaya, Jasmin's Sport Day, training at Nota Asia, shocking discovery about my daughter (Jasmin), Kasyif's 1st steps, update of my petunia etc.
  2. plan for Kasyif's birthday
  3. plan for the weekends in December (where 3 Fridays are a holiday!)
  4. survey accomodation in Cameron Highlands
Now is already 5.08pm. And i have to pick up my daughter at school. And right after that, we're going to Batu Pahat for the weekend and drop by Umbai to have seafood feast at our favourite spot. Arrgh! Nice plan but i haven't mentally prepared for the trip!

I'll bring along my work in progress but i doubt if it will ever be touched. I want to finish it before deadline because we might be going to Johor Bahru following hubby (seminar trip) early December and stay at Pulai Spring Resort. Which i look forward to but the plan is still uncertain since no exact date has been agreed yet between MIMOS and UTM. MIGHT, so it's a 50-50 situation but i really wish we can go as a family trip (hopefully the work is successfully completed by then so i will enjoy the trip).... Urgh! My time is up!.....