2017 was a very sad year for me....I lost my dad...Al Fatihah. I don't think I want to write about it. Let the memory lives in my mind...I miss you dad..semoga Allah ampunkan dosa-dosa ayah, terima ibadah ayah, lapangkan kubur ayah, terangi kubur ayah dan tempatkan ayah di syurga bersama-sama para solihin....sesungguhnya akak mahu bertemu ayah di syurga kelak....Terima kasih Allah kerana pinjamkan ayahku yang banyak memberi kasih sayangnya kepadaku...Akak mahu menjadi anak yang solehah yang sentiasa mendoakan ibubapanya...Berikan aku kekuatan Ya Allah...Hanya Engkau Yang Maha Berkuasa...
Work wise, finally I had the opportunity for promotion but I had to undergo 1 year assessment + probation. I had to do a project other than my function and tasks. Luckily it was a makeover project of a space at my office together with staff outside my dept. I don't want to elaborate on this either although the project was fun. As I've said before, it's already too late. Alhamdulillah dengan rezeki yang Allah bagi tapi ini bukan fokus utama. Rezeki ku bukan di tempat kerja.....
Weight management wise, I've gained weight to 75kg as of today. Maybe because of age, maybe because I don't spend on Mayfair anymore...or just plain simple over eating! I have taken up yoga class once a week @ Kinofit starting October 2018.
I've injured my left knee during a netball practice. Aida Shaari contacted me and asked me to join a netball tournament for SBP. For the sake of new experience, why not! And yesterday I've injured my right leg, not sure whether it's the knee. Anyway, I'll be seeing a physiotherapist tomorrow...
What else...
Jan 2018 Dapat kunci EVO
Feb 2018 Kakak masuk asrama SGS
May 2018 I voted for the 1st time and finally the opposition won!
July 2018 Attended tribunal hearing for EVO LAD claim. 1st experience
Aug 2018 my brother got engaged
Sept 2018 1st Keluarga Cikgu Din's Family Day @ Rimbun Hijau, Yan, Kedah
Nov 2018 salary upgraded to Manager
Dec 2018 sister in law got married, my sons were circumcised
A few things also happened in 2017. My husband won ASEAN AOSTA award, KTC Family Day @ Villa Mak Tok etc...
So there goes...I want to continue to write...I want to make time to write...