'I think i might be pregnant..' was what i said to my friends at lunch on Friday. I was just saying without giving it a thought and i said it because i was particularly hungry at that time. Not because i really thought that i might be pregnant. Once that came out from my mouth, i was like "Why did i ever say that?"......
Then, i got the news that my sister in law is pregnant, didn't really expect it so i called my mum on that Friday afternoon. While we were talking, my mum asked me "Are you pregnant too?"... I was like "Of course not! I called to ask about Iza!" then laughed. As i was laughing, i thought "why does my mum think that i'm pregnant? And it was the 2nd 'pregnancy' word i've heard.
I didn't think i was pregnant because i was trying to lose weight. I planned to get pregnant only around May after the weight management program where i could still go for the Sabah trip in October (5 month preggy is still allowed to fly, rite?!)
Allah itu lebih berkuasa menentukan segala-galanya. I really didn't expect a double line on the home pregnancy test kit. I tested just before i go to sleep (balik kampung Perlis that night).
And the hormones already started to kick in that very next morning! The same night i had a dream that my husband had another wife. I was giggling imagining my parents receiving the news the 5th grandchild for 2011 is on the way. I also cried and sobbed because i couldn't go to Sabah and to watch the excitement of my kids boarding the plane. Never had a high emotional rush like this before.....
Alhamdulillah, rezeki yang Allah SWT berikan kepada kami. Wish for a baby boy to accompany Kasyif.
So my future posts will be all about pregnancy!... :-)