This time, the pregnancy definitely feels different from previous. I felt so so tired and my belly got so gassy. The hungry part is about the same as when i carried Kasyif except this time round, i watch what i eat. I don't just barge to whatever i see or whatever i want. I make sure to eat more fruits and include oat in my diet. I still take only 1/2 or less rice not because i'm afraid that i'll get fat but because i don't feel like eating rice too much. Maybe because i'm already used to it even before i was pregnant.
Hormones kicked in
I had dreams and mostly kinky dreams! I thought it was inappropriate and blaming myself for having kinky thoughts that lead to such kinky dreams. It won't be good for the baby.... But wait, as far as i can remember, i was busy thinking about preparing myself and the house for the newborn. I was worried and checked out the Baby Center website. I was relieved! It was just the hormones.....
Apart from dreams, i also had difficulty to sleep through the night. I always found myself awake around 2-3 am and it was hard to get back to sleep. Although it was a good time to perform solat 'tahjud' and other solat sunat, i was too tired to do anything. I felt like i was 8 months pregnant at that time.
Apparently, these are normal during the 1st trimester according to Baby Center but i didn't have such experience from my previous pregnancies. Alhamdulillah, the dreams and tiredness have started to subside. I really can't wait the 2nd trimester and enjoy being pregnant.