It is easy not to appreciate what you have when you compare your life with whom you think has better life than you. You are better off to compare your life, with life of others that will make you appreciate more of what you already have.
'The grass is always greener on the other side'.... True. That is when you compare yourself to people who drive Mercedes and own LV bags.
'Alhamdulillah dengan rezeki yang Allah SWT berikan'... That is when you compare yourself with people you see on TV3 'Bersamamu' program.
So it is my choice. Whether to grumble about small pay and succumb to useless envy at people with luxury items (assuming it depicts wealth). OR be grateful for what I have because Allah SWT knows better what He has laid for us.
It is also my choice to do something about my life if I'm not happy with it. It is all about me. Not others. It is about how I want to lead my life, it is about how I want to care for my family and which direction I want the family to follow. It is about how I can make others happy with what I have. It is about whether I care to improve myself for the afterlife.
There is no right or wrong answer (I'm a product of Malaysia's weak education system) about leading your life. You can lead life as you wish provided that the things you do bring you closer to Allah SWT.
I should envy people who give everything they have to wakaf, infak and sedekah. I should think people with Mercedes and LV bags have donated some of their wealth to rumah anak yatim and masjid. Then, I need to ask myself whether I've done the same with what I have. From now on, this should be the thought process whenever I'm comparing myself with others...
Final word, BE GRATEFUL...