Monday, March 21, 2016


Kalau tak aritu rasa macam nak abandon blogging. But then terbaca pulak about writing can improve one's life. Kalau tak tulis blog, bila lagi la pulak nak menulis...

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Blog posts could be one's diary. Dulu orang tulis diari, tulis tangan. Sekarang mana ada. By writing it can help you to express your feelings and let go whatever bottled inside you that you can't really tell people about. Or writing extends whatever you've tell other people in written form that you can always go back and reminiscence about. So feeling renewed, I'm happy to continue blogging although my life is not as interesting as other...Haha!
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Personally, things get clearer when you write. Your worries, goals, excitement, achievement. A good reference as well to look back what you've achieved in life, the little things that truly matter to you. How you cope with frustration and anger.... write it down. It could be reference to other people as well....

So start writing anything. Blog might not be your thing. Then write poems or even answer a customer survey.....
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Tabata Protocol

Find songs that help you to keep going
Dah tak berapa pegi gym sangat sebab discover lagu Tabata kat Youtube that can keep me going. Sebelum ni (2 tahun dulu! Hah!) buat jugak Tabata tapi guna app yang ada count jek. After a while, rasa boring. Pastu pegi kelas yang buat Tabata. Best pulak sebab ada lagu yang menaikkan semangat. Tapi lama-lama rasa macam rugi pulak nak pergi kelas semata-mata nak buat Tabata sedangkan boleh buat kat rumah. Tu yang dapat idea cari lagu dalam Youtube.
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Restart Tabata in the morning
Sekarang dah 2 minggu buat Tabata kat rumah lepas bangun pagi. Buat 8 set: 20 saat exercise, 10 saat rest sebanyak 8 kali (1 set). After complete 1 set, rehat 1 minit. Mula-mula nak start memangla rasa berat sangat tapi Alhamdulillah, lepas dah mula best pulak rasa sebab memang berpeluh gila. Tu buat pagi-pagi, so confirm peluh tu bukan sebab panas.

Rasa lebih semangat pagi-pagi sebab dimulakan dengan something yang sihat. Exercise and F1. Tapi kg masih static kat 70-72. Tak jejak lagi 69.0. Adoiii! Tapi sendiri tahu, walau exercise banyak mana pun, kalau makan tak jaga memangla kg tak turun.

Effective to burn fat
And exercise in the morning too, helps to achieve the 'burn fat' goal sebab kita kan belum makan apa-apa right after bangun tido. Kalau exercise petang atau malam, it will burn the carbo yang kita makan tadi. Unless memang tak amik carbo langsung waktu lunch/snack petang, barulah boleh turun lemak. Tapi kita memang susah sikit bab 'jaga makan' ni. Walaupun portion wise memang dah improve, always get side tracked and sabotaj diri sendiri during the weight loss phase....Tu yang kg tak turun-turun.

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Rasa camni lagi effective sebab my target is to reduce my fat %. Cardio bakar carbo yang kita makan lunch tadi. Tabata boleh bakar lemak yang memang dah ada dalam badan. Lepas dua minggu rasa macam pinggang ada kecik sikit tapi peha masih rasa sama. Kena sabar lagi sebab baru 2 minggu. Kita ni pear shape, confirmlah the bottom half susah sikit nak turun...but it is POSSIBLE! Just keep going ok!

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle
I'm also happy to know that I still can continue doing this even bila bibik dah takda. I've figured out how and when to slot in exercise and at the same time attending to cooking and sweeping in the mornings sebab boleh buat Tabata as short as 4 min.

It only took as long as you want it. Each set takes about 5 minutes including the 1 min rest. I always do 8 sets which gives total of 40 min. Tapi tak rasa lama sebab ada 10 sec rest. The key is to all out doing the 20 sec exercise. Sampai tercungap-cungap...pastu tu rest 10 sec. At the moment kita buat mid range. Tak slow, tak laju....
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My Herbalife set dah abis. Kena beli nampaknya. Kali ni nak beli Protein Shake jugak sebab sebelum ni amik F1 jek. Nak tgk boleh tak protein shake tolong bakar lemak lebih sikit. And re-order Tea Mix yang dah lama tak beli.
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Will update soon!