Monday, March 21, 2016


Kalau tak aritu rasa macam nak abandon blogging. But then terbaca pulak about writing can improve one's life. Kalau tak tulis blog, bila lagi la pulak nak menulis...

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Blog posts could be one's diary. Dulu orang tulis diari, tulis tangan. Sekarang mana ada. By writing it can help you to express your feelings and let go whatever bottled inside you that you can't really tell people about. Or writing extends whatever you've tell other people in written form that you can always go back and reminiscence about. So feeling renewed, I'm happy to continue blogging although my life is not as interesting as other...Haha!
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Personally, things get clearer when you write. Your worries, goals, excitement, achievement. A good reference as well to look back what you've achieved in life, the little things that truly matter to you. How you cope with frustration and anger.... write it down. It could be reference to other people as well....

So start writing anything. Blog might not be your thing. Then write poems or even answer a customer survey.....
Image result for poems writing

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