Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Room makeover: Kids bedroom

Adik ipar aku dah dapat transfer balik Perlis. So dapatla the boys bilik tidur untuk depa. Aku pun excited nak buat makeover. Dah alang-alang tu nak rearrange and match the furnitures, white goes with white, black goes with black. 

The challenge is we have double bed and 2 single beds. Each room is 12 x 10 kaki. Bunyi cam OK tapi rasa 10 kaki tu tak sampai rasanya. Rasa fo that size kalo single bed OK. So jenuh memikir layout yang sesuai...maybe single bed satu nak let go, ganti dengan pullout (kat Shoppe dalam RM200 or less)

Actually bilik tu boleh extend to another 8 kaki lagi (jadi 20 x 10 kaki) tapi tak tahu la bila nak extend.

Biasala, bila nak buat budget, buat la survey harga online. Melalut sampai nak ganti lantai, tingkap and pintu...tak salah kalo nak berangan kan...

Done lot's of surveying on stuff. Kinda tired of  it. So now, just need to start doing!

Monday, January 4, 2021

1st week of Jan 2021

Dah start masuk keje i.e. start tengok email, folders. Sebelum ni tak mau tengok sbb cuti kan... Don't know what to expect with work. Yang I tau, kena cover subordinate May-July nanti sebab dia akan on maternity leave. I'm just looking forward months after that sbb tahu sekarang mmg akan start busy.

Nonetheless, at least sekarang boleh duduk rumah buat kerja. Tapi after a while, I felt like I still need to go to the office...to get the work mood back or else rasa cam malasnya nak buat keje!

Tengok the kids pun sedapppp dok umah tapi sampai bila kan....takkan tak belajar. I wonder how 20th Jan would be like. Mesti liat abis, macam mak dioghang jugak!

Semalam 1st day period so hari ni tak rasa sedap badan sangat. Dahlah semalam hujan dari pagi ke malam..sejukkkk....rasa ala-ala winter Christmas..keh keh...tapi berjaya jugak la vacum rumah semalam.

Actuall hari Rabu 6hb nak pegi buat health screening tapi ni dah period, terpaksa tangguhkan. Jumaat nak pegi Perak sebab ada sepupu nak bernikah...Yeay! Pegi jalan!....

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Welcome 2021

 Let's go straight to my 2021 goals....

Yoga wise, I aim to be able to achieve these poses with ease apart from improving my flexibility and hip mobility:

  • Crow pose
  • Camel
  • Pigeon

Spend 30 min on yoga every morning which I've started doing since October 2020

Health wise, reduce my fat % to xx now that I can see the fat contribution to my body shape (thigh and butt). Eat mindfully. Less carbo more veggies and protein. Consume more nutritious food such as eggs, nuts, Omega 3s, celery etc

Maybe I should target to achieve 60kg by end of 2021? (That's around 11kg/12 mths = 1 kg per month)

Work-wise, be more accountable and speak more. Be prepared to cover my subordinate when she's on maternity leave.

Mengaji wise, target khatam Al-Quran 1 kali

Investment/ Money wise? Plan to rent EVO. I've let an agent to handle it since Sept 2020 but notake up yet

Home wise, new curtains and sofa

Relationship wise? Appreciate my mother, kids, extended family more