Sunday, January 3, 2021

Welcome 2021

 Let's go straight to my 2021 goals....

Yoga wise, I aim to be able to achieve these poses with ease apart from improving my flexibility and hip mobility:

  • Crow pose
  • Camel
  • Pigeon

Spend 30 min on yoga every morning which I've started doing since October 2020

Health wise, reduce my fat % to xx now that I can see the fat contribution to my body shape (thigh and butt). Eat mindfully. Less carbo more veggies and protein. Consume more nutritious food such as eggs, nuts, Omega 3s, celery etc

Maybe I should target to achieve 60kg by end of 2021? (That's around 11kg/12 mths = 1 kg per month)

Work-wise, be more accountable and speak more. Be prepared to cover my subordinate when she's on maternity leave.

Mengaji wise, target khatam Al-Quran 1 kali

Investment/ Money wise? Plan to rent EVO. I've let an agent to handle it since Sept 2020 but notake up yet

Home wise, new curtains and sofa

Relationship wise? Appreciate my mother, kids, extended family more

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