I love bags that is functional, elegant, stylish, sometimes relaxed instead of structured, or the other way around. Used to aim for an LV bag but not such a big deal anymore. It's you that wear the bag, don't let the bag overshadow you. I don't mean to brag about the bags that I have, they are a modest collection compared to having more expensive ones e.g. Chanel, LV...yea, mostly the European brands.
My 1st favourite bag is one I bought at Asda. I have talked about it here. Below is the collection from 2013 until now.....
All of them...almost |
Longchamp |
Kate Spade |
Coach and one was bought by a friend when she was in Europe |
My only Tods |
I love my only Tods. Love the colour and shape. But I bought the jute version so it didn't last like leather. This has shown me that even branded ones have stuff that don't last long
My soft pink Coach. I only wear this to weddings |
My other favourite. Le Cuir Pliage |
The blue Le Cuir Pliage is wearing off at the bottom corners. Yes, I love this bag because I can wear it to weddings and shopping. Love the fact it can be folded and it's made of sheep skin, which is softer than other leather.
I try not to buy more bags and make do with what I have. But I couldn't resist to have a classic black Kate Spade quilted bag, bought during MCO for RM499 (I pledged not to buy more than RM500)
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