Thursday, January 31, 2013

Herbalife progress_Week 4

This is a very elaborate and confusing post that only me can understand. This post is to remind me how obsessed and crazy I get doing this 1 month Herbalife Weight Loss Challenge.
Also to remind that I need to be out of my comfort zone in order to achieve something....

Week 4 Part 1
28 Jan - Finale

I will do a separate entry for the finale. As for Week 4 progress, results were kind of encouraging although I still have not hit 69kg in the afternoon:
Afternoon weigh in:
Mon  72.4kg (My 1st day of period. Weight increased probably due to water retention???)
Tue   71.1kg =1.3kg lower
Wed  70.6kg = 0.5kg lower than yesterday
Thur ????

My target is to hit 66.4kg on Saturday morning. The final weigh in is at 12 o'clock so I'm estimating the weight would increase by 1.0kg thus hopefully the weight will be 67.4kg (9.5% loss)

For tomorrow morning, I have to weigh 67.5kg to be on track.
Thus I should weigh 69.5kg this evening. Crazy! I weighed 69.5kg this morning! And to achieve 67.5kg tomorrow morning, I have to lose 2kg overnight!


That was me desperately wanna win. OK, now I have lowered my target so it's more achievable. Target weight now = 68.5kg by 12 o'clock on 2nd Feb = 8% loss
That's about 2.1kg (from my Wednesday weight) in 2 days (Thur pm- Fri pm) thus 1.05kg loss per day.

If between today(Thurs) until 2nd Feb (Sat), my weight:
  1. constantly increase only 0.5kg from am to pm (0.5 x 3 days= 1.5kg increase in total)
  2. constantly reduce by 1.0kg overnight (1 x 2 days = 2kg reduction in total)
thus net is 0.5kg reduction i.e 69.5kg - 0.5kg = 69kg

I can't do anything on No. 1 because the calorie intake cannot go any lower or else I'll hit a plateau. While No. 2 is kind of unpredictable based on my log. I need to put more effort to ensure No. 2 reduction is more than 1kg reduction per night, ideally more than 1.5kg.


OK, enough of uncomprehensible nonsense.... It's 12.00 noon and I'm off to the gym....

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