Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Trying out entrepreneurial skills

We decided to open a stall during Little Caliph BBB Seksyen 3 Sports Day on 1st May 2013. What made me decided to do it was when my eldest said 'Mama selalu kata nak buat itu , nak buat ini (jual)tapi tak pernah buat..' Ouchh! That hurts!...Thus this time I should really mean what I've said!

So  I paid RM20 for registration and off we planned. The objective of this activity is to provide an insight to the kids what it takes to do a business. Everything should be handled by the kids (except the decision making and prep before the event) so we decided to sell simple stuff. Easiest and cheapest for such event (we imagine sweaty parents & kids) to make would be aiskrim M'sia and dadih. Then we purchased 2 cartons mineral water and include sale of used kids' magazine. Selling price for all items is at 50sen except dadih (RM1).

We borrowed 10x10 tent from Hairi and cooler box from Makcik. Bibik made 100 aiskrim M'sia in 3 different flavours (milo, sarsi and asam boi) as well as 100 dadih (chocolate, tropical fruit, corn and strawberry flavour).

The total sale was RM57 all done by the girls. Although it didn't get to cover the total costs, it was a new good experience for the girls. We learnt that it was not a good idea to sell ice-cream if you don't have a proper freezer. Dadih was the best seller with chocolate as the favourite flavour. Backdated magazines also were doing well where a customer paid RM5 for a lot of 10 magazines.

I asked the kids would they like to do it again. They said yes but don't want to sell the ice-cream. Good! Small step at a time.... My mission accomplished!
Erecting the tent.

This type of tent is quite easy.

Preparing the stall

Our stall :-)

Learning about business (LAB)

Dadih & Aiskrim M'sia

Ice creams in cooler full of ice.

This didn't sell well although at 50 sen. Maybe because people bring along their own plain water?

Abang seemed happy playing with friends

The salesgirls....

Assisting a customer

Abang in the 'blue ship' team.

Lutfi. Hi!

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