Something came up... My dear aunty who's been alone too long is now getting married! Alhamdulillah! Her reception is on 29th, 1 day before we fly to Krabi. After discussing with hubby, we decided to attend her reception but only with the boys. The girls will be staying home for BeeZ with bibik and do their last minute packing....
As such, me being the 'planner' and loves to plan, have started packing last weekend! I'm so looking forward for this break. Apart from fulfilling the wish of my kids and myself, I've lost weight so I'm so excited to dress up for the occasion. Though, I tell myself not to get too excited and bring unnecessary stuff because always, always you don't get to wear all of them!
The packing list for this trip:
- Beach toys/swimsuits/goggle/sunblock
- Lutfi's towel robe
- Tuppewares/cups/washing liquid/sponge
- Laundry detergent/brush
- Some snacks/food (Maggi, Iced Milo, biscuits)
- Slippers
- Camera/Ipad + charger
Travelling day (to Krabi)
Blue jeans + green inner + white shirt + green tudung + Le Pliage shopper in chocolate + mustard ballerina

Walk in Krabi (find food & shopping)
Navy blouse + flare brown skirt + turquoise selendang + office's slippers in white

Beach activities
Swimming gear with turquoise accent for pool. For snorkeling, I will wear old T-shirt.

I still need another outfit. I'm thinking of buying either a dress, blouse or a skirt in Krabi itself and pair with either a khaki trousers or jeans. The option is still open but I want to get a denim jacket which is versatile enough to be worn with the options.

So my outfit list for 4 days:
Top: 1 blouse + 1 white shirt + 2 inners
Tudung: 2 proper tudungs + 1 selendang
Bottom: 1 jeans + 1 skirt + 1 trousers
I'm enjoying this and I just can't wait!
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