Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Post Raya 2014

As expected, my weight shoots to 67.6kg from 63kg before Ramadhan (4.6kg increase). Play time is over! I have to start on weight management program to ensure I'm not getting too far off from the track of getting the ideal weight (55kg)

My brother, Apis lost 3kg in 2 weeks since he started on 3rd Sept 2013. Alhamdulillah!

My friend, Sufy has lost 18kg since she started in June (about 6kg per month). Alhamdulillah!

My husband is more committed than me at doing physical activities and more conscious on food choices. Alhamdulillah! He's now 71.5kg, lost about 10kg which he himself couldn't believe it was possible.

Planning to devise a Maintenance Daily Monitoring sheet for situation like this. The difference at this phase, the focus is more on accomplishing physical activities as food intake should have becoming more of a habit or routine by now.

So today is my 1st day on Maintenance Daily Monitoring. I plan to fast for 3 days starting from today (puasa qada).


Why not read the blogs where I got the pics from:
Picture 1
Picture 2


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