Monday, December 23, 2013

Bangi Fun Run 2013

I was thinking to challenge myself physically as part of my healthy living pursuit. Then I saw the Bangi Fun Run advert and my husband noticed it too. We decided to register.....

I never thought I could join a mass run event..I never paid any attention to marathon, walkathon or similar events. 1st, why should I join? I hate running. 2ndly, I'm not physically fit, these are not my cuppa.

I'm still amazed that I participated in the Fun Run. This was so not me! What made me:
  1. It would be the prefect way to end 2013, physically. 
  2. I've been active this year since I determined to lose weight early 2013. I've walked on treadmill, done yoga and a few hours of aerobics this year so I need something to see how I've done over the 12 months.
  3. The short distance of 3.5km. I could imagine myself running/walking that far and my approach would be 'slow and steady' as long as I complete and get to the finishing line.
  4. It was held nearby so no need to rush to get there.
  5. The entry fee is RM20 (cheap) with a chance to win lucky draw prizes
Hubby's number


How I used to think:
Why should I join? I hate running and I'm not fit enough. Getting to the event would be troublesome (early morning, crowded, parking)

Now that I've done it:
It's fun! Why didn't I have this kind of determination before? I guess because of all the negative thoughts.

My number

Warming up. Don't want to hurt my knee again....
On your mark....
I was so high in adrenalin I just couldn't
wait to run!

Lesson learnt:
  1. When you feel like to accomplish something, JUST DO IT!
  2. It's not about winning... It's about being able to tell yourself anything is possible.
  3. Set a personal goal. Like me, I just want to end 2013 with something physical. For Bangi Fun Run, I just want to get to the finishing line, at my own pace (to me, that sounds doable...)
The reward:
  • Felt like I've accomplished something! Managed to finish 3.5km in 29min (my husband did it in 22min). Not bad for a 1st timer!
  • The accomplishment has given me the motivation to do my work and keep caring for my family.
  • The Fun Run has given me something to measure myself and aim to improve it in future.
For the album...
I looked tired...

What a way to end 2013!

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