Monday, May 5, 2014

Spend & Splurge & Save

It's bonus time. As usual we as the 'hardworking employee' (muhaha!) shall plan how to make use of the extra money. My plan, save some & spend some. However, only the later is going smoothly as planned (or more on things NOT PLANNED!)

On the SAVING side:
Yes, of course I want to save some of my bonus. Now, it's easier to transfer the money into my ASB savings account BUT I couldn't locate where the saving passbook is. I might not be able to withdraw the money when I want to use them so I haven't done the transfer yet. Darn!

Excuses, excuses! I just need to be strong and focus on locating the passbook!

On the SPEND side:
settle my credit card_done
new lounge chairs_done
And many more to come!

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