Monday, November 17, 2014

Well done Jasmin!

We went for the Langkah Ceria Nov last Sunday. Left the house and reached Presint 2 at about 7.30ish. It was 2nd time for me but 1st for the kids.

I was so proud of Jasmin and still am because she finished the 6.2km walk! She had never done any -thons  before (be it walkathon, marathon, fun run), 'merentas desa' may be the farthest.

To finish or not to finish?
Half way, she started grunting. She really really slowed her pace as she started feeling tired from the walk. Normally, as parents we would quickly think our kid may not be able to finish it. We saw kids or even adults resorted to the easy way by raising hands and stop the marshals on motorcycle to get rides to the finish line (it was allowed because it was not a race). A woman even made remarks when she saw Jasmin's faint face and suggested me to stop the marshal. I was not sure whether to stop the marshal as well for Jasmin. My dilemma was whether to let her stop or push her to finish until the end.  And my next actions were largely due to my own experience triumphing my own self doubt.
Picture for Lutfi's sake

Actually this was he interested in

Lutfi's number won a lucky draw prize!

Own experience
I was 19 and did a mini 'expedition' under Duke of Edinburgh's Award in a group of 4. On the last day, I nearly cried because I was so so tired. It was Day 3 and I was only focusing on my bruised feet and how tired I was. I grunted, complained but no one pitied me because everyone was in the same boat. I still continued because I had no choice but to continue. I nearly regretted joining the expedition because it was really hard for me back then.
Then, something amazing happened. When I saw the last checkpoint a few hundred meters away, I wanted to finish it so bad that I RAN! I was puzzled because I myself didn't know where the strength came from. Thinking about it, now I know what they mean by focus, inner strength and Nike's tag line 'Just Do It'. We are able to do anything, it is just our own negative mind that we need to deal with.

Although Jasmin seemed tired, I somehow have this belief she actually could finish the walk. I didn't want to provide her the option of 'stop halfway and try again next time'  because it was not a race so she could do it at her own pace. She's healthy, not over sized, still young. She should be able to do it. We should be focusing on finishing the walk, not the hardship and tiredness. I know she was thinking that she could not do it and want to give up.

I wanted her to finish the walk. I could easily asked the marshal to send her to the finish line and I think that was what she wanted when she thought she could not go on. Instead, we stop a while at a bench. I said it was a break before we continue the walk. I kept saying we were getting nearer to the finish line. I kept saying that. Then we continued and I hugged Jasmin while walking. I tried to divert her attention to other things by singing, asking her questions etc. She was still grunting.

Until I said to her,'If you finish the walk, we'll treat you to a sushi restaurant'. That was when we were about 800 - 900m to the finish line. Although still tired, she had stopped grunting and could walk without needing me to hug her.The reward offered was really a motivation for her to complete the walk. When she started to visualize eating sushi instead of tiredness, then her strength came from nowhere.

I asked her to touch the entrance balloon to indicate that she has completed her walk. She took the instruction well and went off leaving me behind. Then she did it!

I don't know how I should feel. I'm glad I did not pity her and stop the marshal. I know I'm proud of her. I hope I have taught her a lesson in life and able to boost her self confidence....

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