Friday, December 19, 2014

Jalan-jalan (Makan-makan) Penang

We planned for a Perlis family trip to Penang last week on 11th to 13th Dec 2014. There were 23 of us:14 adults, 6 kids and 3 babies. We booked 2 units of TM Resort in Tanjung Bungah and it was more of a 'see how it goes' trip. Although we had put up itinerary for the 3 days, it would still depend on the family members enthusiasm and situation right there and then. Here's the original plan:

Day 1
Not much to do since check-in is @ 2,00 pm so the rest of the day is for kids to enjoy the swimming pool. Go out for dinner at Batu Feringghi and stroll along its night market.

Day 2
Go out @ 10.00 am to Penang Interactive Museum, pass by Penang's street art along the roads nearby. Drop the ladies at any shopping spot near to mosque so the guys can go for their Jumaat prayers. The afternoon may be spent at Padang Kota Lama and get the famous pasembor and dinner there. Indoor activity at night since we'll be tired from the day outing.

Day 3
Check out and eat out at any recommended eating place before heading back to hometown, Jelempok.

Things didn't go as planned but it got better
It was more about food rather than going places. I enjoyed the food this time ignoring my attempt to lose the extra 4 kgs. Maybe because food in Penang is that good or it was an escape from my deprived never ending weight loss diet.

The moment we stepped in Penang, it was lunch time so we head straight to Gelugor trying to find gerai Mat Apom recommended here. We couldn't find it but saw Kedai Minah and had lunch there instead. The place is famous too and I was really impressed with its cleanliness. Although parking would be a headache, I don't mind going there again (maybe because it isn't me driving?) and try out other dishes.

While waiting for 2.00 pm check in, we went to Padang Kota Lama to take away the famous Hameed Mee Sotong to fill us in the afternoon.

Dinner was Kapitan take away: nasi briyani and roti nan cheese. Both sets include tandoori chicken and this was a wish came true. I've had Kapitan dishes before but forget how the tandoori chicken taste like. Requested hubby to get them and he became the knight in shining armor...haha!

Breakfast Day 2 was special. Hubby went all the way to Taman Tun Sardon in Gelugor to get serabai, roti canai and nasi lemak. At was nearly 10.00 am and the kids still in the swimming pool and the guys still lazying around so plan to go to the interactive museum changed to 3.00 pm.

We got out at about 4.00 pm. We passed by the interactive museum around 4.30 pm. It was hard to get a parking and the place closed at 6.00 pm. The otherwise RM15 entrance ticket was better spent elsewhere so we head to Fort Cornwallis instead. Cheaper entrance fee, easier to find parking space and we could get some afternoon snack from the stalls next door. It was a good decision making situation. I actually enjoyed walking around the fort learning the history and taking pictures. I found the pictures taken are quite nice. Lots of green from the grass and blues from the sky. It was a sunny day so it was rather hot. However the fort is near to the sea side so you get a windy afternoon too and I found myself not bothered by the temperature.

What did we get as afternoon snack? The Hameed Mee Sotong again! It was either we didn't dare to try something else or we really liked the dish to have it for a 2nd time. By description, the noodle is plain simple: fried noodles with sambal sotong. However in my opinion, it taste better when eaten straight away compared to take away. Maybe because the noodle is still in its form and and not soaked in sambal which happens if you have it take away. Or maybe because of the windy afternoon, blowing in your face and having it by the sea side? You tell me...

Take away dinner was sponsored by my sister in law. It was a la Thai meal complete with steamed siakap and 3 rasa, successfully satisfying the hunger of the Jelempok clan.

Breakfast was simple; bread & nutella for the kids, leftovers from yesterday's dinner and some fresh nasi lemak bought by Tok Abah.

Went straight to Pen Mutiara at about 12.00 pm after checking out because we planned to go to the aquarium nearby. Pen Mutiara is a famous exclusive restaurant and set meal for 8 costs about RM320 (which means double RM320 since we are group of 20!) Hmmm...

My husband and I carefully discussed because that was way to expensive for 20 of us. We decided to take 3 dishes only instead of the set meal galore and this reduced the price to about RM200++ for 20 pax! We thought 4 type of dishes: kari kepala ikan, ayam goreng kunyit, sayur campur and telur goreng was sufficient to 'alas perut' since we planned to go to Pulau Aman next to try its famous Mee Udang. I was really proud with our ability to skimp on the unnecessary and yet still enjoy the exclusivity of the restaurant! Haha!

Akuarium Penang, Batu Maung (here) was surprisingly enjoyable. I guess the company of the extended family also made it a fun place to visit.

Last in our 'ad hoc' list is Pulau Aman Mee Udang. Need to find Jeti Batu Musang and take a 1 min boat ride to get to the island. Recommended if you want a different route to your normal mee udang spots. You may enjoy having to go through the ordeal of waiting for the boat and walk to the restaurant. A bit of a fun challenge instead of easily parking your car next to the eating place. Get some calorie burned before topping it up with the mee udang!

We head home, Jelempok at about 5.30 pm. Alhamdulillah! The trip was enjoyable and everyone seemed to appreciate the time spent together. I also learned to accept ad hoc plans because this one really turned out well!

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