Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Excited! Can't wait for the weekend as we are going to PD! Can't wait to see what my youngest can do in the water. He's only 7 mths...this will be his first holiday trip....

Whenever i post something here, its when i remembered about things that i have been thinking about but has done nothing about it. E.g just now i read an article from ISMA (Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia) about the student that took 20 subjects for SPM 2008 and scored. She's a fisherman's daughter living in Kelantan.
The article emphasise that parents play a big part in childrens' success. It's not about giving them the facilities, it's about you nurture affects the children's ability to excel....

The question for myself: How do you picture your children when they grow up?
I want to picture my children growing up as excellent Muslims with good personal traits and strong religion background.

But i'm not the religious type so can i achieve that? Insyaallah if i pray to Allah SWT and I have to start doing good myself.

I want to have the time to read the Mathurat and the Quran as a start. I want to provide at least 10 mins to do so. This small steps will help me to nurture myself and start nurturing my kids the Islamic way.....

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