And also found a cousin's blog interesting with pics...stories she has written about this and that....places she has! I wish i could be creative like her....
After a while, i felt so down. I felt like i am a loser.....i have nothing about myself that i can be proud of..... Maybe that's why i keep wishing i could be like someone else.
Then, i found what my cousin wrote about 'the grass is always greener on the other side'. And about the saying in Koran "to lower your gaze from looking at forbidden things or else your heart will turn black, with envy, jealousy, desire, dissatisfaction, greed and the worst of all is, it makes you wanting more than you rightly deserves"....isn't that so true....
I was dissatisfied with myself and jealous of what other people have.....Not good, not good.....I should be happy for them and thankful for what i have and someday i might have something that i will be proud of if i asked and with Allah's willing.
Be thankful, be thankful....And for that reason, this is one of the things that i treasure most and i'm so thankful to Allah for what He has laid for me so far....I believe more good are laid in front of me if i keep on striving with effort and doa.....

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