Then we decided to see a doctor since our friend was pushing us to go because she thought it might be possible symptom of asthma as her first child had a similar sickness (it was on the 3rd day Kasyif was sick). Still, i didn't worry much... I was still not that convinced until the dr who attended my baby at a clinic referred him to KPJ Kajang! Kasyif was hospitalised for 2 days and was discharged by Wednesday 20th May.
Moral of the story....yes, it's good that i don't want to rely on medicine to heal but for babies, i just need to be more careful. I was glad to take on my friend's advice, thus the experience of attending a sick child. If i was too proud to bring Kasyif to the doctor, Kasyif's sickness could be severe.
While at the hospital, I've been thanking Allah SWT for the health He has given the whole family. Kasyif case is considered minor, i don't know whether i can handle what other unfortunate families have to go through. Semoga Allah memberi mereka kekuatan, sesungguhnya ujian Allah itu adalah untuk mengingatkan kita akan kebesaranNya.....

I'm grateful that Kasyif made a quick recovery.
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