Monday, August 17, 2009

Time really flies

Kitchen cabinet...done!.... Just in time before the fasting month. Alhamdulillah....1 minor job is to add a point for ceiling fan ( addition, not included in the original budget & plan).....
Muslims will start fasting either on Friday or Saturday this year. I really want to go for Terawih prayer this year since i have a bibik now to look after my children. It was one of the reasons why i wanted a maid in the 1st place.
And i need to renew the maid's permit this week.... I remembered thinking 2 year contract is a long period. But now i feel it's not....and i may have to start to worry whether she wants to renew her contract or not.
And Kasyif has grown to cheeky, clingy, unstoppable little rascal with 4 teeth and 2 coming.... Tomorrow is his 10 month check up at Klinik Kesihatan Bangi.
Work seems endless when i start to put my mind on it.... I remember doing a year plan for 2009 activity. And now it's already August and i feel like i have not done anything based on the plan!
Just realised i'm already 34 and i have 6 years more before i turn 40. What can i achieve in 6 years? What i want to achieve in 6 years?
Monetary wise - able to have RM50,000 savings
Parenting wise - my children able to read the Quran tilawah style
Family wise - able to give another 2 births (1 plus 1 twins) age 35 and 37????
6 years is not long so i need to be serious about this!
Health wise - stay 60kg until 40
Career wise - i dunno &*((&$%?? start a business or remain makan gaji???
OK, i should stop....i will get up set thinking about these....
Irdina has successfully went through the schooling ordeal including overcame her fear, stopped her bottle nibbling habit and started mengaji. Other than being fussy over food, i'm quite pleased with her achievement.
Jasmin is still unpredictable....sometimes she's pleasant, sometimes she still want things her way.

And so many other things that have changed.... within the span of 8 months.... Time really flies... And i want to appreciate every single second by doing good things and not taking time for granted....sbb MASA ITU EMAS and DEMI MASA! SESUNGGUHNYA MANUSIA ITU DI DALAM KERUGIAN....

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