Friday, August 7, 2009

Kitchen_Lesson learnt

My kitchen is nearly done. The final task is the ducting planned to be fitted this weekend. The solid surface was installed on Tuesday, and touch up job done on Wednesday. The solid surface enlightened me, the touch up was not a touch up at all!....My fault... i made the appointment at 3pm instead in the morning. They finished at 11.30pm!...These guys are just doing part time jobs to install stuff, not from a proper company. My fault for appointing them but hey! I decided not to take on a company to satisfy my own curiosity, whether you can save when you do everything on your own. The overall costs of is about the same but the little little details will make the difference e.g drawer stopper, drawers instead of shelves etc....Still to find out and compare with other kitchen projects.

I don't feel like appreciating the kitchen yet thus no pics have been taken. One thing for sure, i can finally breathe now that the kitchen is near completion. Whether it's nice or not, it's subjective. I'm satisfied that i finally have an IKEA kitchen (despite low scores from people on its durability) and the kitchen looks like mine....not like a showroom kitchen.
And the store shelves were done yesterday and i could finally unpack my kitchen stuff which have been in the box for nearly 6 years. And i offered my maid an electric kettle which has never been used before because i don't think i'll be using it...An act of appreciation? Maybe.....

Lesson learnt?....A lot!.....If there is another kitchen project? I might still do it my way but maybe appoint a company to do the installation & reworks, not going to individuals. How to make the kitchen worth the investment? By cooking a lot, use the oven a lot! Heh....Insyaallah....

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