Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Kasyif 1st birthday!....Yesterday!

I really forgotten about this yesterday until Irdina & Jasmin mentioned it to me!...I was so involved with errands that i totally forgot about it! I'm really sorry Kasyif, i didn't mean to.... I was remembering his 1 year old check up appointment yesterday not noticing the date.
I then remembered what i did for Irdina & Jasmin for their 1st birthday.... I think i should plan for Kasyif as well... I make it up this weekend maybe? Or next weekend?

Kasyif, i still remember looking forward for your birth. Apart from i couldn't take the weight anymore, i think i was really mentally ready to give birth to you. I couldn't wait to meet our first son and whose look you have inherited. It was a stable delivery (with the help of epidural) and i remembered as if my pelvic bones moved when i was pushing you down the birth canal. You know why... because your birth weight was 4.1kg and that really shocked me & you dad!.... You've been a good baby until fuss, play and eat well, sometimes funny and your laughs really put smiles on our faces....

So, Kasyif... i will make it up to you ok..... Happy 1st Birthday and we love you!!!......

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