Friday, April 30, 2010

Me, cooking?....

I don't why but it has been ages since the last time i cooked. Possibly since the trip to Cameron Highland at the end of February. I don't know why, i even get up late this few months. My last attempt was 'rebung (bamboo shoots) masak pajeri' last week. My MIL gave a biscuit-container full of homegrown raw 'rebung' via my husband who attended a conference in Penang on 13-15 April. He dropped by Perlis and brought us back a box mixed with banana and mangoes too.
The bamboo shoots were left for nearly a week when my husband asked me whether i've cooked the bamboo shoots. I knew i had to cook by then and felt really guilty for not being able to serve my husband before he mentioned it. I attempted cooking the shoots that same night and luckily the dish was edible (although the gravy was a bit too thick for me).

I really want to start cooking again.....but when? sigh.....I really need to motivate myself to do a lot of things right now!!!!!!...I'm really sorry Abah, hope to serve you better.....

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