Friday, April 30, 2010

Porch_progress report 2

This is the 2nd week since the project started. The trellis and 'pergola' is nearly done. They've started on setting up the ceiling for plaster ceiling. I've chose a new door. It took me 3 days to finalise the design that i want. Not because i was particular, the design that i wanted was not available. It frustrated me as the catalogue showed various choices but due to time constraint, i have to settled with what's readily available. As usual, i don't want to have what others already have. Today, i told the contractor 2 choices....1st choice is 2 panelled glass with some blue (the door will be white). 2nd choice would be moulded door with 1 clear glass panel.
1st choice (with different panel design)

I think the contractor is a bit slow this week. Not much has been done. Once the door arrives, he'll knock down some of the front wall to position the new door. Next week will be more of action hopefully... wiring, new door, window and plaster ceiling. This is only the first part. Now i have to think how to furnish to complete the new living room. Budget is tight so i have decide wisely where to spend the hard earned money most.

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