Sunday, July 25, 2010

Shopping spree

Not to stress when Hari Raya Puasa comes, i decided to do the clothes shopping early. I did buy cloth for the children and myself but didn't manage to see a tailor. One has been fully booked and the other one didn't get to measure and she lives at Jelempok, which we only get to see 4 times a year (approx). So this year, decided to buy ready made kurungs. Since not a lot of choice in Bangi, decided to go to Shah Alam yesterday.
PKNS Shah Alam is known for the choices and i agreed. Reached there at about 2.30pm. Managed to get 2 pairs for the girls. The 2nd pair was a real bargain! The first pair costs about RM60-70 whereas the 2nd pair is only RM50 for 2! Then Kasyif's kurung is RM45 and bibik's RM50. TOTAL COST RM265
Didn't get mine...either my size not available or too expensive....

Then, went to Tesco Puchong and spotted a nice jeans for Jasmin @ RM15. I really like the clothes dept. The choices are great and the layout really reminded me of UK. Bought puffs and bread RM7.29. TOTAL COST RM22.29

Paid for a roman blind RM166.

Shopped for groceries RM100+RM300. Bought Irdina t-shirts and pants RM180 at Alamanda.

These costs within a weekend!....I withdrew cash RM600 and all were used up. Credit card about RM500 thus total spent RM1,100, and none was for me...never mind, reason to do another shopping! :-)

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