Monday, August 15, 2011

15th day of fasting

Wanted to update earlier but laziness kicked in. Wanted to update on Curtain Search Fella Design sale curtains are done and i received them about 2 weeks ago. Guess how much was the service charge? RM120!!! That is really cheap for 3 6 feet windows and 2 feet roman blind (I still haven't paid my auntie yet, have to wait for this month salary. And still can't be hang up yet, need to change current flimsy Ikea poles to a more sturdy ones since the fabric is rather heavy.

My Elyza's curtains also done and hung up end of last month. Just like what i expected. Although the blue stands out but the lily flowers pattern blends with the wall so the curtains is rather subtle and nice....
However, there was a bit of a problem for the roman blind. My eyes just thought the bottom part is tilted. The installer kept on adjusting as i kept seeing it unstraight. Finally i accepted 99% percent perfection because i pitied the installer.

I took pictures of the curtains but doesn't look really nice here. Just like how i felt when i chose the fabric. You have to see it appreciate as it doesn't look nice in photos.

Today is the 15th day of fasting. Still going strong. This time i really eat less than previous Ramadan. Maybe the baby accomodate most of my tummy space. I drool on drinks rather than food. I know what i want to drink but no feelings on food. Usually i want some appetizers and straight to main meal. This time....ahhh! don't care as long as the drinks are special. Well, actually the drinks are the usual: Sarsi, Cooled tea, Sirap... and today i had banana shake with oat for sahur....Heaven man....!

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