Monday, May 5, 2014

Moaning about work

I was so consumed with work that I haven't updated this blog as often as I wanted to. With my boss being attached to an HQ project and new tasks being handed over to me, I always get home late around 7.30 pm although I reach office very early, before 8.00 am. Sometimes I think I deserve the best employee award because I work more than 8 hours and I totally do my work instead of doing things on the side e.g surfing.

Apr/ May is bonus time. Alhamdulillah I achieved more than average 2 years in a row. I feel very much appreciated for the work I did which was out of my core function last year. Then I heard  a startling 'news' (or more like a gossip) and ruined my grateful feeling...Sigh.....Someone else is being rewarded the highest recognition although I think that employee has don't nothing (that I know of). 

I was all grateful with my rezeki but now it is ruined with jealousy and dissatisfaction. I have to keep telling myself ' 'rezeki Allah SWT yang tentukan' and who am I to question about it. 

To be a good muslim, I have to mind my own business and do the best I can. In sha Allah, my faith in Allah SWT will reward me here as well as Hereafter.

Ya Allah! Berikan aku kekuatan untuk menghadapi situasi ini dan sentiasa bersyukur ke atas rezeki yang telah Engkau limpahkan, Amin....

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