Wednesday, July 22, 2015

It's not aerobics, it should be anaerobics

I'm freaking out to see the scale has hit the 7 series. I'm planning to focus on losing weight and staying healthy after Ramadan/Syawal. Some initial thoughts:

  • hit the gym
  • yoga
  • eat more fruits
  • portion control
  • learn about skin elasticity

I found these 2 gyms while gooling which are near to my house:
  • Bangi Fitness
  • Haidar Gym & Fitness

I want yoga classes which seems not offered by the gyms. Or maybe I should give them a call to find out.

Things I'm doing different this time: focus on anaerobic exercises. Not aerobics. Yoga is anaerobic. Plus it helps to improve my flexibility.

I assume these are the problems of my body:

  1. Cellulite due to poor lymphatic circulation and water retention
  2. Stretched skin around belly due to pregnancy
  3. Lack muscle mass
Due to age, getting rid of fat is not as easy when I was in my 20s.

I want to get better.....

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