Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Plan cuti 2017

Aku dah tak tahu apa destinasi seterusnya untuk family holiday sejak dah dapat pegi Jepun 2015 dulu. Maybe next in the list are Australia or Korea. Both harga tiket mahal gak so tunggu la ya sampai ada duit...ngeh..ngeh...dengan keadaan exchange rate tak berapa OK ni, memang aku put on hold dulu travel overseas.

Tapi, Dec tahun ni hubby ada conference kat Singapore. Dia ada 2 event kat sana... so takkan kami x ikut! Potentially, nak pegi Zoo Singapore, Universal Studio. Pastu, hubby bagitau maybe stay hotel kat JB instead kat Singapore sebab lagi murah (the society he's involved in will pay for the accomodation). Bila JB, teringat Legoland Hotel.

Tengok website, mak oiii! Tu diaa...harga bilik dia. Memang la Legoland Hotel one of a kind. Deluxe room fits 5 pax costing from RM770! Supreme room fits for 8 people costs RM1700! Aduss! Aku rasa mahal sangat ni.... baru rasa nak treat bebudak tu.

Ni package 2015 during Matta Fair, cilok from this blog http://sumijelly.com/2016/05/19/menginap-di-legoland-hotel-resort-johor-bahru/

Walaupun aku 6 orang, aku nak booking yang deluxe je la....

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