Thursday, October 31, 2019

Lets hit 68kg!

Tak boleh jadi ni.... adik aku Rahimi dah overcome problem static weight dia.... aku pun kenalah start serious losing weight ni. Jangan sabotaj diri sendiri.

Puasa Isnin-Khamis since tak reti nak buat IF
No carbo. Kalo amik pun 3 sudu saja
Plan nanti Raya Haji nak makan apa...ada 3 minggu lagi (tak termasuk cuti Raya Haji/cuti sekolah)

At least 65kg la 30 Ogos nanti;
So kalau today 69.5kg, lagi 4.5kg. Bahagi 3 minggu, target penurunan seminggu ialah 1.5kg.

How ya? Makan....portion kurang dah tapi penurunan tu tak sebanyak tu. Nak kena google how to overcome static weight. Actually tahu dah salah sendiri, makan tak jaga...kuang kuang kuang

OK, i will start to log on what I eat.

This is what suggests my macros in gram:

Example results from the keto calculator

  • 1 gram of carbs = 4 calories
  • 1 gram of protein =4 calories
  • 1 gram of fat= 9 calories

Means my macros in calories:
Carbs = 80 calories
Protein = 304 calories
Fat  = 1,080 calories

So visually, how much is 80 calories of carbs, 304 calories of protein and 1,080 calories of fat?

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