Wednesday, February 26, 2020

What I want to achieve in life?

Only at the age of 45, baru dapat ilham nak target apa dalam hidup. At this point of life, the target is different compared to when I was younger. Actually previously I didn't know what to achieve in life as in what I really want. Semua main ikut saja...tengok orang nak jadi akauntan, aku pun nak jadi la. Orang nak study oversea, aku pun nak jugak la. Orang ada boyfriend, aku nak jugak la etc. Masa zaman muda memang ikut orang saja.

Yesterday was not a good day for me. All this tension and demand from work really makes me want to quit my job. Aku dah accept rezeki aku so far takat ni. With bad experience at work semalam, aku memang rasa tak nak dah keje kat sini. Aku nak buat benda lain (tapi tak apply keje lain pulak ya). Aku cakap kat hubby and his response was 'kalau berenti nak buat apa?' Aku expect tak payah buat apa-apa la kan...haha! Tapi agak tak logic di situ. At least aku dah gauge expectation dia terhadap aku.

However, yesterday I watched an FB post about the origin of OYO Hotel and it really hit me. The owner is now a billionaire at the age of 26 and he resides in India. He came from a poor family and what he did was pure hard work. Macam Allah SWT kata something like this  'kamu akan dapat apa yang kamu usahakan'...

Then aku teringat, if we really want something, we have to be able to visualize it. In my case, i must be able to picture the life that I want. Sebelum ni cakap-cakap je...nak kaya, nak berenti keje, nak kereta, nak buat tu, nak buat ni, tapi aku tak really imagine dalam masa 24 jam aku tak keje tu, aku akan buat apa

So WHY I want to quit my job? Because I want to live the life that I want that is....

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Pivot_creating doughnut chart

So aku dah tahu sikit-sikit pasa pivot table, now nak create chart from pivot table. Jumpa camna nak buat doughnut chart

Bila buat presentation, 1st thing kena tanya yourself nak analyze apa sebenarnya....
I would like to analyze the utilization of revenue, cost etc against budget and achievement against target

So, from Pivot Table tarik CM actual, 2020T. Contoh tunjuk camna nak tukar sum of Revenue jadi % from Total (i.e proportion revenue by specific region from Total Revenue). Just right click and boleh tukar value ikut suka. Tapi aku takleh buat camtu sebab yang tu reference dia based on 1 column saja i.e revenue. Aku punya nak compare dengan column lagi satu that is 2020T.

Presentation wise, selalu pivot tu tulis Row, Sum of bagai. Kalu nak tukar pegi Pivot Table Tools - Design - Report Layout - Tabular Form. Nanti kuar title 'P&L item' instead of Row.

How to create progress doughnut chart from pivot table
Kena create helper column (1-x%) sebab nanti doughnut chart tu ada 2 axis

  1. Select 'create doughnut chart' tanpa highlight apa-apa values dulu
  2. Then right click - Add value. Dalam series, taip 1 (no of occurence) x 20 kali
  3. Kalo nak adjust doughnut jadi doughnut gebu atau kurus = Format Data series - Doughnut hole size
  4. Tukar kaler yang bermacam-macam tu to solid fill, then biru (nanti sume seragam jadi kaler biru)

*dalam video, dia copy the chart sekarang untuk create lagi 2 chart yang sama

Create another doughnut dalam chart tu (nanti akan jadi secondary axis). Bila add value, masukkan data % daripada table, in my case achievement % against budget.
  1. Chart 2 tu ada keliling kat luar chart 1, bila tukar ke secondary axis, nanti dia cover chart 1 (chart 1 tak nampak)
  2. Now kena modify chart 2 (yg secondary axis tu) untuk reveal chart 1
  3. Highlight data point (pecahan doughnut yang kita nak format), select No Fill
  4. Select the other data point (balance budget), yang ni select fill kaler Putih. Then make it transparent

So doughnut chart dah siap
Nak bagi cantik nanti, masukkan label kat tengah doughnut tu. Jangan lupa masukkan slicer

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Pivot Table_CY value

Aku nak buat chart utilization of CY budget vs YTD Actual. Dalam data table, ada value CY Target.  So aku tarik colum CY  Target dalam Pivot Table tapi bila buat, Pivot Table akan jumlahkan value CY budget. Aku bukan nak camtu, aku nak value saja. So aku cuba masukkan formula VLOOKUP dalam 'Field, Item & Sets' tapi x boleh guna formula VLOOKUP  kat situ.

So camna aku nak cari value instead of 'sum of'?

Aku cari contoh from YouTube dan jumpa solution! Yeay! Formula aku discover = Totalkan je la target bulanan! (Duh moment di situ...hahah!)...Aku kan ada CM, totalkan je la.

Learnt learnt:
Instead of guna formula dalam Data Table, kerja kira-kira tu Pivot Table boleh buat. Yang penting Data Table tu dalam bentuk DATA, bukan logic dan ada sume data yang perlu. Logic buat sheet lain. Akau cakap camni sebab aku siap buat column CY Target dalam Data Table. Tak perlu sebenarnya sebab boleh guna formula SUM(CM) kat dalam 'Field, Item & Sets'.

Aku perasan aku jenis yang kekadang complicate things. This is one example. I guess sebab aku dah biasa dengan yang aku biasa that is create formula. Excel semakin canggih sekarang. Kira-kira tu Excel boleh tolong buatkan, tak payah nak guna sangat dah formula-formula Excel yang complicated sangat. Kalo Accounting selalu pakai SUM, SUMIF, INDEX, MATCH. Even VLOOKUP pun dah macam obselete je sebab dah ada INDEX, MATCH.

Bila aku test data tu, SUM(CM Target) pick 1 value saja, tak sumkan pun. Logicnya sebab aku amik 1 cell je kan. Instead of SUM, pickup cell from CY Budget je la...baru betul figures tu. So colum CY Target masih valid ya....

P/S: cantik date harini 02.02.2020