Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Hari ni dalam sejarah lagi

2.04 pm Hari ni dalam sejarah lain pulak…takda letrik. Ingat Bangi jek….sekali banyak tempat…Klang Valley, Sg Petani, Penang, Ipoh… Banyak tempat kot. Ingat dulu pernah jadi tapi waktu malam. Kali ni during lunch time. Tiba-tiba rasa seram pulak sebab nak wassap atau call orang tak boleh ni….what if the country is under attack? What would be the action plan? Hai, kebetulan semalam memang aku kena present on Risk Management. Nak kena buat risk statement, kena ada event, cause and impact. So in this case, let say: Level mahrean: Damaged perishable items in the fridge due to unprecedented blackout resulted in loss of RM200 for replacement Level company: Loss of research work/ data due to unprecedented blackout resulted in delay on project completion Level negara: Loss of connection with core defense function due to unprecedented blackout resulted in delay in action taken to defend the country from outside attack Berguna jugak ek aku belajar Risk Management ni…. Aku rasa seram sbb, takleh get the latest update either from the tv, internet or even from other people because I can’t make a call. Kecuali daripada jiran-jiran sebab orang terdekat kan. My husband is at the office, who knows what is going on? 2.50 pm Aku kuar jalan-jalan sbb nak tengok keadaan tempat lain. Sampai kat Seksyen 4 tambahan, aku tengok kat kedai-kedai dah ada. Then aku pusing Seksyen 7, pun sama. Dah rectified kot problemnya..... 3.38 pm Dah sampai rumah. Ya betul, letrik dah ada...TQ TNB! P/S: Dah kenapa formatting jadi gini????

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