Monday, July 10, 2023

Jasmin Nadirah 2023

She a quiet person. Introvert maybe. She's 1 year younger than people think her age is...she was born on Dec 2004, so people would think she's 19 today. Actually she just turned 18 years 6 mths.

She's a CAPRICORN (extracted from here )

Personality traits include ambitious, persistent, realistic focusing on the negatives rather than 'possibles'. Capricorns have zero tolerance when it comes to being made fun of, like, ZERO. Caps can make sacrifices. They can control their urges. They are rock solid. Caps are into money, puzzles/ games and DIY/gardening. Caps loves being at home, doing something useful

Capricorns get stuff done.

The key thing for Capricorn is to feel they are being justly rewarded for their precious efforts. They are prepared to work harder than anyone else, but only so long as the payback justifies it. They are born to earn big amounts!

Jasmin as described by me

  • Jasmin loves to be touched, hold. Possibly it's lacking from me as she grows older. I need to hug her more
  • Jasmin need attention. Jasmin is sort of middle child which tend to lack attention from parents. She's 1 year younger than her birthdate. I need to communicate with her more.
  • Jasmin is strong and has a mind of her own. Jasmin is potential to go far but she needs support and encouragement from me so she can stride with confidence.
  • Doakan untuk Jasmin. Teach her personal hygiene and Islamic preachings. Treat her and teach her to be a lady. I have to give nasihat both for Jasmin and Irdina. They will listen....I just need to guide them.....

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