Friday, June 28, 2024

Alhamdulillah, terima kasih Allah!

Harini dah Jumaat. Nak cerita pasal result VSP. Jumaat lepas 21 Jun HR ada hantar invitation farewell untuk VSP/ MESRA takers. My name was on the list...Alhamdulillah. Tapi official letter still belum ada.

This week most of them have left since their end date is 30 June. I still have one month to go. Perasaan bercampur-baur. Happy mostly, nervous, sedih sikit-sikit and blur sekejap. I wondered how my last day would be like. Will I send a farewell email to all? Is there anyone gonna treat me lunch before I go? By now, everyone already know that I'll be leaving.

I'm still doing my work. Ada BOD and meeting slide kena buat. Deadline is tight sebab meeting awal bulan. Dok kata this is the last...pasni in sha Allah takda dah. Kalau ada pun, the work-returns is a direct relationship. The more you work, the more you get.

Aku decide nak beli baru sebab miss guna oven. Oven je boleh masak in large quantity. Pastu plan nak buat weekly stock so nak roast veggie and chicken.

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