Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Post UPSR celebration

Although UPSR 2014 is not officially end yet, we decided to proceed with what had been planned post exam....

Went to fetch Irdina so I was out of the office at 12.30pm. I think I only had nasi putih and eggs at home around 1.30pm after I picked her up. Good!

 Met a friend on Wednesday at Putrajaya and had chicken burger with charcoal bun for late lunch at 2.00pm. Not sure how much was the calorie

Went to sign my housing loan agreement at the lawyer's office. I went out at 1.00 so I only had green apple and pear that I brought and ate in the car on my way to Puchong. Good!
Fetched Irdina at 4.30pm and went to Azura's restaurant to have a little 'celebration' although UPSR has not officially end yet. I ordered 'kuey tiaw goreng'. Bad!

Half day meeting at the office. Nasi lemak provided as refreshment but saved it for lunch. Good!
Didn't had the nasi lemak for lunch but nasi kerabu instead. Marketing & Sales Unit had a little treat for leavers and we were invited. Shyly took small portions of everything and I really mean everything because my stomach was already rumbling, hungry! So my nasi kerabu was lower in calorie compared to 'nasi ayam penyet', the usual treat at Pasar Tani on Friday. Good!


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