I don't know why I'm kinda looking forward to this year's hari raya. Possibly i feel a bit settled and have lost my UK raya attitude. Celebration was simple back then since majority are not Muslims. I cooked raya dishes and dressed up nicely in baju kurung. Went for open houses (quite a few) and that was it really. Simple preparation and the feeling of celebration was only for a day or two.
When i came back in 2004, i felt raya celebration in M'sia was costly. Imagine the money you have to provide compared to when i was in the UK. New clothes, ang pau, travelling and kuih raya orders. I didn't buy clothes specifically for raya in the last few years. I just wore new clothes not worn at either houses (Batu Pahat/Perlis). I only bought kuihs as gifts for parents & in laws. I didn't buy for my house as i didn't forsee anyone would come for a raya visit. I didn't see the need to decorate my house. I was still in my 'UK raya attitude'.....
But now, i bought cloths to be sewn as early as April 2009 for the whole family. I bought ingredients to make homemade kuih raya. I want to decorate my house (but have not done so due to budget constraint). I do want people to visit my house (on 2nd thoughts, actually i'm kinda reluctant since we don't have proper sofa sets for guests to sit yet!) .... so where is this excitement coming from? Is this good or bad?
I figure i have lost the 'UK raya attitude' and have anticpate raya like any other Malaysian in Malaysia. It's good to have these two experiences... makes you think and analyse. But raya is definitely more significant when you have kids. More enjoyable since i have a reason to dress them up... :0

What i bought for the girls. Bracelets and Japanese cotton for baju kurung. The theme came from my baju thus green and orange. The boys (Kasyif & hubby) will wear green and my kurung consolidates both colours.
When i came back in 2004, i felt raya celebration in M'sia was costly. Imagine the money you have to provide compared to when i was in the UK. New clothes, ang pau, travelling and kuih raya orders. I didn't buy clothes specifically for raya in the last few years. I just wore new clothes not worn at either houses (Batu Pahat/Perlis). I only bought kuihs as gifts for parents & in laws. I didn't buy for my house as i didn't forsee anyone would come for a raya visit. I didn't see the need to decorate my house. I was still in my 'UK raya attitude'.....
But now, i bought cloths to be sewn as early as April 2009 for the whole family. I bought ingredients to make homemade kuih raya. I want to decorate my house (but have not done so due to budget constraint). I do want people to visit my house (on 2nd thoughts, actually i'm kinda reluctant since we don't have proper sofa sets for guests to sit yet!) .... so where is this excitement coming from? Is this good or bad?
I figure i have lost the 'UK raya attitude' and have anticpate raya like any other Malaysian in Malaysia. It's good to have these two experiences... makes you think and analyse. But raya is definitely more significant when you have kids. More enjoyable since i have a reason to dress them up... :0

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