Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hari Raya Aidil Adha

This year is Perlis's turn. Went back on night of 26th Nov (Wednesday around 7.30pm). Stopped by McDonalds drive thru (after Sg Besi toll) for dinner on the go (there goes my diet! But i couldn't resist the curly fries that came with the relaunched Prosperity Burger)....
Journey was silent (because i slept!) as kids was sound asleep by Rawang. I woke up at Simpang Pulai and didn't sleep after that. We reached Jelempok around 1.30am. My hubby can really stand the long drive all this while and i have been impressed. I would look at his face while he's driving and appreciate his stamina.Got me thinking what if anything happens to him or when he gets old? Thus i savour every moment whenever he drives back to Perlis because you'll never know when you'll not be able to have such efficient journeys. No breaks and get us there within 6 hour drive....woohoo!...

Jasmin started to pinched her nose...
Watching the event taking place....
As my eldest has started to learn about our religion, for this Hari Raya Haji i asked her whether she wants to see a cow being slaughtered as korban? Suprisingly she said yes and so i explained to her what korban means....The simplest explanation I could think of 'kerana apabila lembu itu disembelih, dagingnya kita boleh sedekahkan kepada sesiapa yang memerlukan. Dan Allah akan sayang kepada orang yang suka bersedekah'. I vaguely overheard my husband explained about Nabi Ismail & Nabi Ibrahim but not sure whether she could understand 'sacrifice' in that context..... Anyway, i could see Irdina growing up with lots of questions in her head.... And i have to be ready to educate her the best that i can.....

Dengan nama Allah.....Bismillah......

Skinning the korban....

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