Thursday, December 10, 2009

To note_Tiara Beach Resort PD

Although this month is December, i still want to include this which took place in May (Labour Day). This was planned to reward our eldest for being good at going to school. She's very shy and it took about 3 months after she started Standard 1 for her to get used to her new phase of childhood...
We reserved a 2 bedroom apartment with Mari for a night. Paid about RM200++ (include breakfast) and invited my brother in law and family to join us.  We went to Teluk Kemang first in the morning before checking in at around 2pm.
Posing at the banana boat.
Teluk Kemang during holidays was packed with visitors.

Playing with sand                                           My kids with cousin, Damia

The place is not so bad i would say. The accomodation was basic but liveable. There was a 4+1 dining table and a kitchenette, convenient for families who likes to prepare simple food like sandwiches. There was a living area with a TV but reception was bad. We could see the adult pool from our unit.
 Artificial beach with sand

Kasyif wants to join the fun

The kids' slides.

One of the bedroom                                                             Happy faces

Finally, the living room. Slept like a log....:-)

 Recommended for families with small children.....

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