Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I'm on 3 week lose weight programme. Devised by myself with the goal to look ok for the family photo session on the 11th July. I'm already on week 2 and lost 1.8kg since i was on the programme. Target? 66kg and now i'm 69.2kg If i can maintain the diet, i'll expect to lose another 2 kg. This 'all out' programme include:
  • High protein diet_eggs, tempe, tauhu, fish, chicken only. No veggies and fruits
  • 2-3 litre plain water to flush out the toxin and fat
  • Attend slimming centre programme once a week
  • Take SD II 3 times a day
  • Attend aerobics class if any
Collection  of pics since 2005:

2005, attending a wedding
2006, Hari Raya celebration at the office

mid 2007, organising a make over workshop. This was when my diet was going out of control. Weight was 70kg. Couldn't shed the extra kilos since.

May, 2008. 4 mths pregnant. During a trip to Tioman Island.

June 2009. During trip to Redang Island. Not sure about the weight. Maybe 68kg.

Oct 2009. Around 66kg.

Mar 2010. 69-70kg i think.
I really want the photo shoot to turn out well. Something i'm not ashamed of framing and put on my wall. Right now, i'm really feeling down looking at my latest pics. I don't look nice at all.... hmmmm....

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Testing my culinary skills

I've done some baking with the oven. I would say the oven performs well except the part where it says the oven is easier to clean. I followed the instruction to clean the oven as i really wanted to see when the grease on the oven wall turn to debris. So i turned the temperature knob to 'clean' icon (probably the highest temp) and waited for 10 mins....OK, logically grease would melt thus can be wiped away at that temp.... but none had turn to debris as the salesgirl had claimed. So the oven is not as advanced as they claimed but i am happy with the performance.

Some baking i've done:

Pizza 1st attempt (before & after)

Cookies for the kids' birthday party.

Pizza. This one used tortilla bread as the base.

Apple pie. This is before. Forgot to take the after pics.

And chocolate cake where i used mayonaise as substitute for sour cream. Not bad except it was over baked....

Also my favourite bake, roast chicken.
The menu is roasted chicken with roasted veggies, mushroom with bread and macaroni. I made to brown sauce myself.

Weight management

School term break (2 weeks) starts tomorrow....yahooo! Wonder whether other parents are as excited as i am.... I think i am more excited than my daugther!.... I've postponed our family photography session also the trip to Terengganu. Which then leaves us with nothing to do this weekend. Thought of going to Ikea to purchase a dining table which then i remember we've sucked all the budget into renovation. Furthermore, most probably the traffic may be quite bad as some major KL roads will be closed for YDP Agong's birthday celebration.
My brother and family is here from Kelantan. His wife has lost 9kg!!! Wow! Reminds me of my determined days when i managed to reduced to 60kg... Her way is fasting and she has been doing that for 5 months.
As for me, the scale has been pointing to 67-69kg for the past one year. If only i can really ignore carbo altogether, i think my body will start to burn the stubborn fat. Unfortunately, it's rather hard at the moment although i have managed to cut down the proportion.
I've been taking SDII from New Image and it does help...a little....... I do want to lose weight. I just need to be strong..(yeah, easier said than done)