Saturday, June 5, 2010

Weight management

School term break (2 weeks) starts tomorrow....yahooo! Wonder whether other parents are as excited as i am.... I think i am more excited than my daugther!.... I've postponed our family photography session also the trip to Terengganu. Which then leaves us with nothing to do this weekend. Thought of going to Ikea to purchase a dining table which then i remember we've sucked all the budget into renovation. Furthermore, most probably the traffic may be quite bad as some major KL roads will be closed for YDP Agong's birthday celebration.
My brother and family is here from Kelantan. His wife has lost 9kg!!! Wow! Reminds me of my determined days when i managed to reduced to 60kg... Her way is fasting and she has been doing that for 5 months.
As for me, the scale has been pointing to 67-69kg for the past one year. If only i can really ignore carbo altogether, i think my body will start to burn the stubborn fat. Unfortunately, it's rather hard at the moment although i have managed to cut down the proportion.
I've been taking SDII from New Image and it does help...a little....... I do want to lose weight. I just need to be strong..(yeah, easier said than done)

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