Saturday, October 18, 2014

3 days to go!

The kids are out to swim with their father at Putrajaya Marina so the house is quiet. I can peacefully update my preparation for this year's family holiday....Bali!

This is my most unprepared holiday as far as I can remember. Usually I have covered all blogs on the internet looking for tips by now. I've reminded myself to pack to avoid last minute stress. I've should have use this quiet moment to pack but no, I'm updating my blog instead!

I haven't change the currency
I haven't put things together e.g passport, camera, monopod, clothes
I haven't make lists of snack to bring

I haven't done anything except finalizing on what to wear (and still think there are some items I need to buy to match what I have).

This is really 'go with the flow' holiday.

Update on my diet
It went down the drain! The weight doesn't want to budge. One good thing though, I've started to do toning/strengthening exercise with my colleagues. I don't want to think about it too much, I will fix it once I'm back from Bali. For this holiday, I decided to focus on clothes that fit and will make me look OK.

The Excuse: 'I just don't want to work out'

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