Friday, December 23, 2016

Looking back 2016

2016 was not a good year for me. I accept this because I believe in Qada and Qadar Allah SWT. I believe you can't always be on the high side, sometimes you need to go down before you can go up. 'Hidup ibarat roda, sekejap kita di atas, sekejap kita di bawah".... Amongst the not so good factors:

  1. I've reached my salary ceiling and I'm still here working. I hate this...I'm suppose to progress. I feel helpless and feel like quitting my job.
  2. Water from tank on my roof 'flooded' my house and caused damage to some of my furniture and fittings as well as affected the electrical switches
  3. My weight has crawled to its original weight, 72-73kg
  4. I tried to apply for alumni quota to get Jasmin into TKC but was rejected.
  5. Jasmin's C paper remains as is after appeal to recheck her UPSR paper

Sabar separuh daripada iman. Maybe there's something Allah SWT wants me to ponder upon and giving me a nudge. Believe that things happen for a reason. Stay tawakkal and do the best you can in remembering Allah All Mighty

My grieving is nothing compared to what Aleppo is currently facing. May Allah give protection to our brothers and sisters.....Aminnn....

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