Hai! Ntah kenapa kali ni tak menyempat nak update blog time puasa. Kalau sebelum ni, target bulan puasa la yang paling banyak post. Maybe one of the reasons, aku banyak amik cuti time puasa untuk balik BP and Jelempok. Memang kali ni rasa sekejap jek dah masuk Ramadan ke 20. Aku tak pose from 10 until today kot, in sha Allah esok boleh (in case x ingat berapa hari tinggal pose, boleh check blog...keh keh)
Anyway, nak cerita that I'm going to Jakarta in Aug! Semata nak merasa spa kat sana! Amboi! Haritu rasa macam duit banyak tapi harini 'Alamak! Macam kena menabung jugak ni!'.... Macam la sempat. gaji June cover shopping raya. Harapkan gaji Julai jek la....Adoi!
Regardless, I'm kinda excited as this is a all girls trip, macam pegi Vietnam in
2012. I felt guilty towards my kids previously for the Vietnam trip. This time not so much... i feel like i deserve this trip. Maybe sebab anak-anak dah besar. Maybe sebab this would be a ME-TIME or REWARD sebab dah penat buat kerja rumah (bibik kan dah takda)....
I'm looking forward for this trip. It's like 'Finally!" sebab lama dah cakap-cakap ngan my friend about trying out spa in Indonesia. Due to currency, spa dia cam murah (kata my friend) and with better service. Pada aku macam value for money ni, kenalah try!
There'll be 5 of us, going there 3D2N from Friday 4th to 6th Aug Sunday. Due to flight timing, we only have full 24 hours on Saturday, which will be spent at chosen spa. The rest is reserved for shopping, hopefully we'll can find the time...
So there you go, exactly 5 days to go! Kinda excited planning what to wear!....