Monday, June 19, 2017


I was called by my superior last Thursday. My work place is undertaking a change in structure and job rotations. I'm affected i.e I've been promoted...

Deep inside I was not surprised. I expected for a promotion, and looking for other opportunities since my salary hit the max ceiling about 2 years ago. What I went through was written here:
Some bad news headline for 2016
Looking back 2016
Rezeki ku mahal di office

And then this thing happened. Alhamdulillah, Thank You Allah! I admit I was bitter back then but I kept reminding myself Allah SWT is the best planner. Take things easy as Allah SWT knows best. So I focused on my family and house chores. I guess Allah SWT gave me the space to sort things out first with my family as our bibik left last year. Thank you Allah! Thank You Allah!

However, I am not that excited with this new position but rather I'm anxious. I guess it's normal when you're entering the unknown for risk averse people like me.Though I noticed that my attitude towards CHANGE is not as before. Previously I would doubt myself whether I can do it and worry about what I don't know thus always negative towards change.

Today, I learn to EMBRACE CHANGE as change is something good. Change is to make progress of yourself. I have to look away from myself and sees the opportunities that come with the changes.

Some advice to prepare myself for the new role.

What I don't know is a new challenge which I can learn something from and later can become my new skills and knowledge.

Don't be afraid to be yourself. Don't expect people to like you. 

Be accountable, push ideas and never stray from Allah SWT.

Mistakes is inevitable as your learn and better yourself. 

Never assume, ask if I don't know. 

Never look down on others as there are reasons for things to happen.

Improve my communication and compassion. Explain things as simple as I can and start mingling around.

Talk only when you have a point, not to show off.

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