Monday, July 31, 2023

Preparation nak resign

 Banyak betul version personal file aku dalam laptop company ni. Aku kena transfer mana yang aku nak and later delete all my personal files.

31.07.2023    Currently tengah upamik from OneDrive - Documents - NR - Personal masuk web Synology supaya aku boleh copy masuk dalam personal laptop aku. Nanti tahun depan tinggal amik Contribution/ NR Spending saja....

Next kena guna Lenovo untuk copy from Synology - Personal 2023

Progress of weight management

 Hari ni Isnin, 31 Julai. Just to record since I've seen a bit of a progress walaupun kg tak turun-turun.

Jam baru

Just to remind myself, husband belikan jam Honor baru dalam bulan Julai juga.


Kalau ikut Huawei Health record, aku start exercise 11 Jul so dah 3 minggu aku exercise 5 kali sehari untuk 30 min at least. Mula-mula aku buat indoor walk, pastu tambah upper body dengan dumb bell. Berat tak turun sangat tapi ada la turun sikit. Harini aku masih 80.1 kg, harap dalam minggu ni boleh la turun ke 79 kg.

Aku ada rasa badan ringan sikit. Target untuk maintain buat 30 min exercise setiap pagi kecuali bila puasa Isnin-Khamis.

Last week aku ada buat treatment kat Michele Lazar costing RM450. Tak tahu la worth ke tidak....

Makan dan air

Makan aku tak jaga sangat tapi cuba elakkan makan dinner. Kalau makan dinner pun, jamah-jamah saja. Air aku tak consume cam dulu 4 liter, dapat dalam 2 liter saja. Kekadang 3 liter.

Aku pun start puasa Isnin dan Khamis. Read about  Autophagy

Aku takda amik teh ke, coffee ke. Vitamin aku amik lecithin 2 biji sehari, pastu Omega 3 atau Vit C.

Aku kena start amik banyak protein untuk rebuild muscle. Bila dah tua ni, kita akan kehilangan muscle. So aku kena start balik buat shake for breakfast. Lunch bawak bekal dari rumah, makan yang sedap-sedap supaya makan rasa cam malas nak makan. Kalau terasa nak munch, please capai green apple or chocolate 70% coco.

Rasa fat percentage dah naik jadi 41%...Yikes....

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

New things I did so far in 2023

 Just to list out new things I did this year to remind me to keep going:

  1. Declare to re-invent myself in IG
  2. Started to post reels on IG. I like it!
  3. Help out during gotong-royong SKJ4. Met energetic people
  4. Joined sports fiesta, playing carrom
  5. Tukar lampu kalimantang

Monday, July 10, 2023

Jasmin Nadirah 2023

She a quiet person. Introvert maybe. She's 1 year younger than people think her age is...she was born on Dec 2004, so people would think she's 19 today. Actually she just turned 18 years 6 mths.

She's a CAPRICORN (extracted from here )

Personality traits include ambitious, persistent, realistic focusing on the negatives rather than 'possibles'. Capricorns have zero tolerance when it comes to being made fun of, like, ZERO. Caps can make sacrifices. They can control their urges. They are rock solid. Caps are into money, puzzles/ games and DIY/gardening. Caps loves being at home, doing something useful

Capricorns get stuff done.

The key thing for Capricorn is to feel they are being justly rewarded for their precious efforts. They are prepared to work harder than anyone else, but only so long as the payback justifies it. They are born to earn big amounts!

Jasmin as described by me

  • Jasmin loves to be touched, hold. Possibly it's lacking from me as she grows older. I need to hug her more
  • Jasmin need attention. Jasmin is sort of middle child which tend to lack attention from parents. She's 1 year younger than her birthdate. I need to communicate with her more.
  • Jasmin is strong and has a mind of her own. Jasmin is potential to go far but she needs support and encouragement from me so she can stride with confidence.
  • Doakan untuk Jasmin. Teach her personal hygiene and Islamic preachings. Treat her and teach her to be a lady. I have to give nasihat both for Jasmin and Irdina. They will listen....I just need to guide them.....

Psychosis and schizophrenia


a collection of symptoms that affect the mind, where there has been some loss of contact with reality. During an episode of psychosis, a person’s thoughts and perceptions are disrupted and they may have difficulty recognizing what is real and what is not.


Serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior that impairs daily functioning, and can be disabling

Symptoms of schizophrenia may include:

psychotic symptoms, including hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized thinking, speech, and movement

negative symptoms, like lacking emotional expression and social withdrawal

cognitive symptoms, such as difficulty paying attention or challenges using information they’ve learned

Communication with them:

Practice active listening. Alongside this, pay close attention to their body language to get a better understanding of their inner feelings, perceptions, and needs.

Be patient during conversations. Acknowledge and validate their feelings whenever you can, even if you don’t fully agree with their beliefs.

Allow them time to process. Because they may have trouble staying on track or gathering their thoughts during conversations, give them some time and space to process what you say.

Simplify information whenever possible. Break down information or tasks into simpler steps to help them understand what you’re saying. Talk in short, clear sentences whenever possible.

Encourage them. If they experience low motivation (a common symptom), offer encouragement and praise them when they complete tasks.

Recognize psychosis and give them space. If they appear to be experiencing an episode of psychosis, allow them enough time and space so they can reasonably recover. Seek help if you recognize safety concerns.