6.30pm Left house (not bad, usually time lag between planned and actual is 1 hr) but stopped by for fuel at Petronas Seksyen 15. So truely left Bangi at about 7pm.
8.20pm After discussing where to eat, we decided to stopped at Umbai, the usual 'ikan bakar' spot. Not in the mood to try something new although we just had a seafood feast in Perlis the week before. There are many 'ikan bakar' spots in Melaka. Well known ones areAnjung Batu, Umbai lama, Alai but the one that we always go is quite new. Opened in 2004, Perkampungan Ikan Bakar Terapung is suitable for families with small children since it's not packed with people (when there's no event) and there are playground to entertain the kids. More of this in another entry.
10.00pm Left with full stomach. Tried to stay awake but couldn't.
12.00 midnight Reached Taman Soga.
Day 1
6.15am Woke up to perform Subuh prayer. Getting ready for 'Rengit Parade' i.e. brush my teeth and wear something decent (tracksuit & jacket to cover the short sleeved mini T-Shirt). I'll write more about the place in another post.
6.50am Drove Myvi to Pasar Batu Pahat (where the Rengit Parade is) with Rengit Parade fans (my bros Iwan, Imi & Radhi).
8.30am Came back from Rengit Parade satisfied with purchases. I spent RM20 for a foldable wood table suitable as porch furniture.

11.30am Decided to go to Mak Ee's house alone since everyone was still lying around, asleep... The kids would follow the guys after the Jumaat prayers. Mom already left with sis Ila at about 9am. Mom said 'ada beribu malaikat menyambut kepulangan orang yang mengerjakan haji. Kita patut mengambil peluang bersama-sama dengan malaikat tersebut supaya kita turut diberkati'. Mak Ee & hubby + Anjang & hubby went to Mekah for Haj end of Nov. Mak Ee safely landed at Senai Airport at about 8am and reached Batu Pahat at about 10.30am.
12.00 noon Reached Taman Murni and greeted everyone. Helped Mak in the kitchen. Mak Ee was talking to her biras. Never mind, I'll talk to Mak Ee later.
2.30pm Talked to Mak Ee and asked about her experience performing haj.
Free pack (given to jemaah by rich Arabs, maybe?) It was not available when my dad went there in 1998....
Contents include milk carton, a fruit, snack bars and bread rolls.
She looked thinner and happy to come back. She also looked fulfilled since she has done the last of Rukun Islam....alhamdulillah..... I'm happy for her too. Brings about the question 'Am i ready for haj?' 'Have i done any preparation for haj?'....
Glad that i shared this experience. This reminded me to live well and appreciates Allah SWT. It reminded me that this life is temporary and i should start having a vision to perform haj at a young age, not after 50s.... I should start reading books on haj....
5.30pm Left Mak Ee's house for San Ban Gay, the place in Batu Pahat if you are looking for cheap clothes for the kids or yourself. When i say cheap, it means cheap. RM5 per piece! Even my maid couldn't believe her eyes.... The truth is the clothes are manufactured for famous brands such as GAP, Old Navy, Guess and didn't pass the QC. Some misunderstood 'factory rejects' as totally unwearable whereas a perfect t-shirt with colour not as per QC is a reject. And as long as the colour is nice and the t-shirt fits us, we are willing to pay RM5 for that GAP t-shirt! However, when you go to this kind of places the downside are:
1. Defects Examine carefully the item you have chosen. Majority priced at RM6-RM12 clothes will have defects such as tear, marks or hole. The higher priced clothes are usually perfect, just need to find the size.
2. Luck You have to come regularly since the stock changes quite often. Don't expect what you saw this week is the same next month. I sometimes looked for boy's clothes and they only have girls'. Thus it will depend on your luck too.
7.40pm Came home and spent RM20 at San Ban Gay (RM5 x 4 items). Nothing much happened after that so end of Day 1.
Day 2
The plan is to visit brother Amat in Machap. He just moved in to his new corner double storey house about 2 weeks ago.
7.40am Kasyif is already up so decided to bring him to Tasik Y. The girls were still 'mamai' (not truely woken up yet although eyes are opened, they slept late last night)...
7.50am Reached Tasik Y. Losts of people doing exercise. Jogging, badminton, tai chi, stretching. This is the sight that i want Kasyif to get used to so he will be an active person himself. Directed him to a playground for kids aged 1-4 yrs old. He was more interested watching a group of Chinese ladies doing a fan dance + kung fu exercise.
Watching the Chinese ladies with amazement.
11.30am Left Taman Soga for Machap.
12.05noon Stopped by at Parit Raja to buy 'kerepek'. The plan is to pack as RM1 snack for sale at my office. Chose 4 to 5 different types of kerepek costing RM30 (bargain for RM2 i.e actual price was RM32)
1.10pm Reached Amat's house. Wow!..... I've always dreamed to have a house with some land and Amat got it first. He bought a corner double storey house. I'm happy for him...really...**jealous**jealous** ;-)

Amat's MIL and wife, Ida cooked 'Nasi Kerabu' for lunch. I've always preferred Nasi Kerabu to Nasi Dagang as it has more veggies than the latter. Amat was just starting to BBQ some chickens as part of the Nasi Kerabu dishes.

Jasmin & Najah (her cousin).
The lucious chickens patiently being grilled.
8.00pm Left Amat's house. Plan for Air Hitam and Mak Na's house is cancelled. I was ok with it since i myself was quite tired.
9.15pm Hubby was hungry so he stopped by at Sup Sitam near HSBC once we reached Batu Pahat. I stayed in the car as Jasmin was asleep on top of me. I didn't want to eat anyway since i was still full.
10.00pm Reached Taman Soga. All of them have reached home earlier. My sis and bro were trying out the Alpha One therapy machine bought by my mum (she bought it cash RM16k, ok!)....Hopefully it's a useful investment for a healthier life. I'll write more about it in another post. That was the end of Day 2.
Alpha One therapy machine. Electric current is running on them.
Day 3
The plan is either to leave in the morning around 11am or late in the evening to avoid the jam. We left Taman Soga at about 8.30pm and reached Bangi at about 12 midnight. There were still a lot of cars at Seremban apparently although it was quite in the late hour. Home sweet home....zzzzzzzzz