Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Lively weekend

My parents came last weekend to attend my cousin's wedding in Gombak on Saturday. My auntie also dropped by with his son Syafiq when she heard my mother was in town. It was quite nice to have people around. Kasyif was excited surrounded by his uncles.
Finally i confirmed wih Carrie Curtain the curtain for my house on Saturday. The basis of my choice this time is to choose something that blends thus i chose blue background to suit the sofa and white/cream lily to suit the walls. Usually we choose what we like, right...if so, i would choose the pink lily.
The sofa that i want the curtain to match with.

The one i chose

The one i like

This one is nice too!
 The more i look at the pics, the more i like no. 2 and no. 3! But i guess it does look different real life compared to in pictures. Why didn't i choose no.3 whereas it looks so attractive here? Whatever it is, i have confirmed the colour and they probably have cut the fabric by now. So fingers crossed....

On Sunday, my auntie, my mom and i went to Nilai 3. My auntie wanted to get stuff for her son's wedding and i actually had my own agenda. But putting people first, we shopped and surveyed for wedding stuff first. The time was not with us but we managed to go to 1 curtain shop (my agenda!) named Elite. The name actually shows what kind of shop it is. The cheapest fabric is around RM20 (but of course not that nice). It was nice to look at the fabrics when hanged rather than going through the fabric samples. Most fabrics were yummy! However, the drawback if i ordered from the shop is they won't hang for you (unless you buy curtains for the whole house). I did find fabric i like for the master bedroom and study room but costs around RM800. Hmmm....over the budget.... I want to wait for Fella Design sale but  where can i send the cloth to be sewn? Apparently curtain shop only sew cloth bought from them.
I will definitely go to Nilai 3 again but i don't know when now that i'm in the end of 2nd trimester.. Yikes!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Getting new curtains

I think it's time for me to buy new curtains for the house. It has been the same 1 set since 2008. Since i have some extra money this year, i decided to buy new curtains for the house. The original budget was about RM500 for the whole house. That was rather unrealistic because a have 3 windows suitable for roman blinds and such the cost is higher than normal curtains. Initially i wanted to get modern patterns such as plains or stripes. And i don't know why when it came to the actual thing, i still favoured floral pattern ones. Why did i choose Elyza although the price is rather high (RM48 per metre of 54" width) from the last order in 2008 (RM30)? Yes, that was my choice and now i'm about to spend RM1,300 just on curtains! By right with RM1,300 I should be able to furnish the whole house. What the RM1,300 inclusive of:

  1. sliding door of 7' width. Total cost on curtains only RM690
  2. roman blinds of 20" x 80" drop. I can't remember how they calculate it
  3. roman blinds for the kitchen 25" x 48" drop (2 sets). I can't remember the calculation either

One thing about roman blind is the minimum width is 4' so doesn't mean cheaper if my window is smaller. Average per roman blind is about RM200-RM300. And think this time costs more because i don't have the roman blind frame and include installation. Next time it should be cheaper and i should try to sew the curtains myself.

So for the bedrooms, i plan to get ready made or get cheaper material. My estimate if i get a RM15 per metre material:
Sliding RM300 + window RM190 = RM490
Girl's bedroom = RM140
Study room = RM350 (assume roman blind)

Wow! Even if i opt to choose cheaper materials, the costs easily reach nearly RM1,000. I did survey IKEA ready made curtains which costs about RM169 per pair. The problem is the width is only 145 cm ( 4' plus) whereas i need 7' width for my window/sliding.

Whatever it is, i just don't want to make the wrong choice for RM1,300. Now I'm scared.....

Happy birthday to me!

Saturday 11 June was my birthday. I don't really mind if the day is just like any other day but it would be nice if my husband at least do something for me. Previously he sent me bouquet of flowers twice at the office. Of course i appreciated them because i like flowers. Last year he surprised me with a spa treatment which i didn't expect at all (and i truly enjoyed it). He did once gave me a small picture frame and there was a year he gave me a bathrobe. What i thought at that time was 'at least he remembers and it's the thought that counts'... sincerely, really... no matter how significant or not a gift from him is, i just appreciate that he actually remembers my birthday. That is all matters to me...
This year he treated me to a buffet lunch at the revolving restaurant, Seri Angkasa, Menara KL. It was my first time at Menara KL (even my kids have been there on a school excursion) so i was excited. I enjoyed the view and the food. He even braved himself to the pianist for a b'day song dedication (this is common at the restaurant) with a message 'i love you so much'...I know my husband and so for him to do that is not the ordinary him, you know. I guess i am easily charmed by romantic gestures and that's why fate made me married him. He's the opoosite so for him to do it once in while is something precious to me.
We brought Kasyif with us so it was a good outing for all of us. His gift this time? His current IPhone 3Gs as he's upgrading to IPhone 4. You see, i don't mind... As long as he thought of me on my birthday....
What's more special happened the night before.
I was holding my emotions back thinking my husband didn't care about me. He was busy, didn't even ask about my wellbeing (didn't he know that i'm pregnant!), we didn't go out for weekends, no cuddlings. I was frustrated...Is it because i am fat and not attractive? Has he lost interest in me? But i managed not to snap at him and controlled my emotion. Then just before we went to sleep, he wished me 'happy birthday' and told me that he loves me so much and he didn't know how to show that.
In split second, I was healed and hugged him hard. That was all i wanted to hear... Gone all my frustrations and anger... I just need reassurance, like John Gray mentioned in his book. I was possibly a 'wave' that was about to crash.....I was so really glad i didn't snap at him because it was not what i wanted to do to my loving husband.
So now i'm back....happy and contented!...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Lady in waiting_Renewing maid's passport

Took a leave yesterday to settle my maid's passport expiring in Aug 2011. What an experience! Reached the embassy nearly 11 am, there was a long queue for photo taking.

So i quickly asked my maid to queue while i went to get the number...2268. At that point, i didn't know how bad it could get. After getting the number i passed by the forms counter and i overheard the forms for renewing passport are out of stock for that day. Luckily i've had mine since last year!
There were lots of people but i still remained cool because sometimes who knows luck might be on your side and things may not be as bad as i would have thought. The waiting area in front of the counter was full with people. I looked around for empty seats and luckily i got one.
And so we started to wait. The number at that time was 2068. 200 more to go! I killed the time by reading Impiana mag, Cosway catalogue that i brought. It still didn't come to my head until i started to feel uneasy/uncomfortable after an hour because the number still hadn't reach 2100. Then i started to do the math.... If the counters opens at 9.00, overall the counters processed about 30/35 forms per hour (9.00 to 11.00 is 2 hours then divide with 68). Taking the lower side, i should expect my number will be called at about 268/30= 8/9 hours after 9am which is around 6pm (after deducting 1 hour lunch break)... only then it started to hit my head that i would be there waiting for the whole of the day!
Then i started to feel emotional... i wanted to blame my husband for getting up late. I positively think if we got there at the opening time, things would not be this bad. Has my husband ever consider of my well being since i got pregnant? Negative thoughts kicked in and i started to get teary. And once i shed a tear, it would not stop. Negative thoughts all the way and i kept wiping away the tears with my tudung.
Until now, i didn't know how did i manage to wait and sit for 8 hours. We didn't go out for lunch, i just didn't have the mood to. It was true, my number was called at about 6.17pm. Then came the next obstacle....
My worry was i don't have enough documentation and i would have to come back. I had background reading via blogs and visited the KBRI website and seemed i should be fine. Until the officer requested for surat nikah since the majikan's IC (my hubby) has different address with my IC! I said i don't have one now so he asked us to fax it to the offfice, now. Errmmm, but he's not at home.... 'then how should i verify that you are married?' We don't have kad nikah....Gosh! Allah! Help me!....
I  don't want to come back here and go through this all over again! Then i remembered i brought a file with all the documents since we applied to get a maid. There was an application form written 'suami/isteri' with our names on it....The officer seemed considerate since he noticed that i'm pregnant (he was rather strict previously). He seek for opinion and accepted the form as supporting document. Alhamdulillah!.. He also forwarded our application to the fast track counter (for elderly, sick, pregnant and with children applicants). The time taken at the counter was rather short, about 20 mins. Then we have to wait at the counter outside the building to collect the passports.
I expected the waiting time is about 1 hour and it was exactly. I was also being emotional while waiting. How could my husband do this me...Why i felt being abandoned....Again, tears were falling and i used my tudung to cover the unwanted tears.
Once the passport collected, I felt so relieved that everything was settled.
Then i had to wait for another hour for my husband to fetch us. We left the embassy at 8.30pm
I hate to wait but this time i managed to wait for 9 1/5 hours. This is a long time since we couldn't do anything except to wait. Actually we could go and take a stroll outside but what is there to see? So my advice is:
1. Come to the embassy early as in 9.00am. If too early, the embassy still hasn't open the gate and you'll have to wait. After 10am is already considered late.
2. Prepare your docs beforehand just in case they have run out of forms. Drop by early and get the forms prior to the real visit. Or forms can be downloaded from the KBRI website. (Formulir_blue form and 3 copies of contracts). They should accept downloaded forms, shouldn't they since all are from their website? I'm not entirely sure because who knows the officers might want to show their authority and still want original forms?
3. It is a requirement now to get an insurance coverage for the maid. I did mine with the Post Office at RM60 for a year coverage. They accept proof of purchase (not necessarily the cover letter)
4. The employer to be present should be the same as the photocopied IC. All this while my hubby has always been the employer. I didn't expect that i can actually put myself as the employer (if my hubby is not present) and save the hassle of proof of marriage. Or you can just bring in marriage cert/baby birth cert/kad nikah etc.
4. Prepare the photocopies beforehand, the line can get very long (if you arrive late):
    - Passport (with pic & signature page)
    - Valid permit
    - Employer's IC (2 copies)
5. The contract period follows the permit not the passport (1 year). The date of
    contract should be date you come to embassy for the renewal.
6. Be polite because in this case, they are the authority! And they can be quite
   authoritarian and you might lose your case if you're impolite.
7. Do background reading from people's experience (blogs) and the KBRI website to give you rough idea what you day at the embassy would be like :-)
This will save you valuable time of 3-4 hours!

Monday, June 6, 2011

It's been a while....

I have totally forgotten about this blog! The last post was on Mar 18th. What happened since then:
Our house was broken into on 30 Mar. Lost laptop/netbook and some money. No wonder i have abandoned the blog... no access to internet :-(
Luckily, the thieves didn't turn the house upside down and only took what they have aimed. It could have been worse and traumatic. Alhamdulillah and we take it as a reminder to be xtra careful next time. Hubby decided to install the ADT security system.

Shocking news
Surprised! 1st is my brother, Rahimi decided to get engaged. Not that shocking though since we know he has a girlfriend. More of surprised he wants it this year...
Shock! My auntie's husband has another wife  for 3 years without the knowledge of his 1st wife. He's been working in Morroco last 5 years and married a local (colleague). He now has 2 kids with his 2nd marriage.
This is really shocking, even i couldn't sleep over it. Until now, it is still a sensitive issue and my auntie is still trying to get over it (with tears in her eyes)....
Shock! The same auntie, who has a son of 21 years old wanted to get married now! (as in as soon as possible!). She was confronted by the son after the 1st shocking news above (can you imagine her blood pressure going up). This one is rather complicated....The set date is 23 July (less than 2 months from now), her son still studying so no money, husband insists of going back to Morroco anytime now and planning to bring his other wife/kids for the event, she still can't get hold her feelings over what his husband has done to her... Can you imagine the emotional turmoil and the havoc in her head?

I'm now 23 weeks (half way there) Alhamdulillah! Everything looks under control (except trace of sugar in my urine)! The Dr without doubt said I'm going to have a baby boy. Yeay! Kasyif has a playmate!.... We already bought furniture to prepare for the new arrival from IKEA. Drawers, bookshelf, sofabed for room downstairs and sofa table (this one just to make the house nicer) I have started to think about the birth now... the shopping list, the house, the potraiture session...hehehe....
2 of my brothers already had their babies. Amat first in April (baby girl Nur Asyha Damia, I think). Then Iwan last week (baby girl as well. Still choosing a name but most probably Nurun Nuha). Next in line would be Apis, then Ila and then ME (all in Sept)
Alhamudillah! I feel rather at ease at the moment. Thank you Allah!

Looking forward to my maternity leave....