I've registered for 'The Biggest Loser' program (not the TV program!) at my office. Good! I'm currently making effort to lose some weight targeting 65kg by September 2012. I haven't done any analysis yet on the progress but Alhamdulillah, I'm still going strong and faithfully go the gym twice a week and burn about 120 calories each session. I know it doesn't sound much but I am happy to see myself making 1/2 of my lunch hour useful to my advantage.
So the challenge of the 'Biggest Loser' is simple. Lose some weight in 2 weeks starting 21 March. The final weigh in will be on 6th April. Hokay, what's my plan?
1st, I take this as a support to my total 2012 weight management which I started since November 2011. My program is to lose 10 kg in 11 months. That is 0.9kg in a month. At the moment, the progress is rather slow.
2ndly, I won't starve myself just to win. I will do this the right way just to experiment and jive up my overall program. I'll get 4 boxes of Nestle Fitness cereals and one of the main reason why I registered. One box of Fitness cereal costs about RM11 so apart from saving RM44, I'll get to lose weight which I'm currently doing. So the program is not an additional burden.
3rd, planning to eat 'fat burning food' such as orange, grapefruit, kiwi, broccoli for 2 weeks to test whether it's true. If it's true, i'll lose weight and if it's not it is only for 2 weeks.
4th, I will attend 3 Mayfair session within the 2 weeks program. What justify this are I've already paid for the package and i'll lose if i don't go, and to burn the extra pounds I will gain during my holiday in Vietnam.
5th, I plan to lose more than 4 kilos doing exactly as above. If the program works, I'll be 70kg by early April. Wow!.... Wish me luck!